Industry Skills Australia as the Jobs and Skills Council for Transport and Logistics have been asked to undertake two projects to trial the purpose-led model approach to qualification reform. The first is a demonstration project to show how a qualification could be formed using the new approach. The second project aims to categorise 42 of our qualifications into one of three purposes.
Demonstration Project
As part of testing the VET Qualification Reform model, Industry Skills Australia is developing a demonstration qualification that would support worker mobility and transferability of skills across different transport occupations in road transport, logistics, ports, aviation, maritime, and rail.
The focus of the project will be:
- how core and specialist units might be packaged in the qualification to achieve the intended outcome
- what implementation guidance can be provided in a companion volume to support common units being delivered for application in multiple workplace contexts
- how foundation, digital and employability skills might be addressed.
The demonstration project will test a new qualification design to address the new purpose-led model and Qualification Development Quality Principles. The demonstration project report will include recommendations to update the existing training product templates (for example the Unit of Competency template) and indicate any considerations to amend the current system where it presents a limitation in developing the new model.
Categorisation Project
As a test of the Qualification Reform Design Group proposed purpose-led model, all Jobs and Skills Councils will conduct a stocktake of their training products, categorising qualifications into one of the of three purposes.
ISA have undertaken a preliminary review using available data to categorise 42 of our qualifications into one of the three purposes. We are now seeking to confirm with stakeholders the preliminary category outcomes for further refinement.
A final report will be submitted to the design Group on the categorisation of qualifications including opportunities to simplify and rationalise qualifications where possible.
In June 2023, the Skills and Workforce Ministerial Council established the tripartite Qualification Reform Design Group (Design Group) with representatives from unions, employers, educators and state and territory governments. On 8 March 2024, the Design Group delivered initial advice to Skills Ministers, who agreed for all Jobs and Skills Councils to test elements of a new VET qualifications system. This system is designed to move away from a 'one size fits all' approach and to create qualifications tailored to specific purposes.
A Purpose-Driven Approach
The Design Group has proposed three distinct purposes for qualifications in the new system:
- Purpose 1 – qualifications leading to a specific occupation (for example a licensed trade)
- Purpose 2 – qualifications that prepare learners for multiple occupations within an industry
- Purpose 3 – qualifications that develop cross-sectoral or foundation skills and knowledge which may be applied across industries, or lead to tertiary education and training pathways
ISA held a webinar on 6 August 2024 covering the proposed VET Qualification Reform model and two projects to trial the purpose-led model approach to qualification reform. The first is a demonstration project to show how a qualification could be formed using the new approach. The second project aims to categorise 42 of our qualifications into one of three purposes.
Thank you for your participation, which is crucial in shaping the future of vocational education and training in Australia.
The Purpose Categorisation Review Survey closed on Friday, 30 August 2024.
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Kevin O'Leary Business Intelligence Lead M: 0497 182 521 | E: |