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Transport and Logistics Training Package – Chain of Responsibility Project

This project has updated two Units of Competency pertaining to Chain of Responsibility to align with National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) requirements.

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This project will update two Units of Competency pertaining to Chain of Responsibility to align with National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) requirements. 

  • TLIF0009 Ensure the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility)  
  • TLIF0014 Monitor the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility) 

The units cover the skills and knowledge required by industry to ensure the safety of transport activities. This includes identifying and applying chain of responsibility obligations to operate legally in compliance with the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL), impacting multiple job roles across the transport industry. 

The project is in response to a request from NHVR. The revision will focus on principles that will better enable businesses and their executives to apply the law to their own circumstances and direct them to tools and resources that will assist them to discharge their respective duties. This includes: 

  • Record keeping requirements 
  • How to complete a work diary 
  • Understanding access requirements: 
    • Using NHVR journey planner 
    • Mass concessions 
    • Interpreting permits and gazetted notices and common conditions 
    • Mass concessions and requirements for Oversize Overmass (OSOM) vehicles 
  • Vehicle safety systems – ESC, RSC, ABS etc 
  • Chain of Responsibility awareness – Employees need to be aware of the primary duty and executive duty obligations of their employer, to put what is required of them to do into that broader context. 

The project will also update 22 qualifications and seven Skill Sets that contain the two Chain of Responsibility units. Any superseded units will also be updated at this time as part of training package maintenance.  

Industry Skills Australia (ISA) will engage with stakeholders throughout the life of the project and consider all ideas, opinions, and feedback to the revised training products to ensure they meet the needs of industry. A consultation log containing a high-level summary of all feedback and ISA’s response will be maintained and available on our website.

ISA will facilitate a webinar following endorsement of the materials to support stakeholders in understanding the changes and how they will affect them. 



Ron Horne

Project Specialist

M: 0448 166 536 | E:

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