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Rail - Digital Skills Analysis Project

This project will develop five Rail Digital Occupational Profiles to identify workforce development needs for building digital skills in the rail industry.

3 February 2025 

Five Digital Occupational Profiles (DOPs) for the rail industry have been developed and were submitted to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) on 30 January 2025. The five DOPs are for the following occupations:

  • Railway Track Worker
  • Train Driver
  • Train Controller
  • Railway Track Plant Operator
  • Track Protection Officer

The DOPs were developed by Working Groups of subject matter experts and were released for public consultation. 

A DOP defines the knowledge, skills and proficiency levels that a professional must possess to adequately perform the tasks that require digital capability in their occupation. The profile can serve to assess the potential of a professional and their suitability to the requirements of an occupation, to detect needs and manage training plans as well as to evaluate proficiency. Digital capability training and upskilling may be represented in Nationally recognised training, accredited courses, enterprise training, propriety training (e.g. Microsoft), at any point in the training sequence.

The DOPs will now be considered by DEWR for publishing.


Haidee Whiteley

Project Specialist

M: 0427 385 159 | E:

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