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Maritime Training Package - Vessel Traffic Services Project

This project is responding to new International Maritime Organization (IMO) guidelines regarding operation of Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) and changes to certification requirements for VTS operators.

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This project is responding to new International Maritime Organization (IMO) guidelines regarding operation of Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) and changes to certification requirements for VTS operators.

VTS Operators are required to be trained in current practices and technologies for managing vessel operations which meet IMO requirements (also known as IMO - IALA Model Courses).

At the request of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), this project will delete the MAR30022 Certificate III in Vessel Traffic Services and six Units of Competency that do not align with IMO - IALA requirements.

The unit MARC044 - Transmit and receive information by marine VHF radio will be retained as it aligns with IMO - STCW radio requirements located in other maritime Training Package products.

The project does not involve the review or development of any other training products.

This project will also:

  • update the Maritime Companion Volume Implementation Guide.
  • produce a mapping document stating changes made.
  • update any out-of-scope product affected by the changes made to the project training products.

The reviewed training products are due to be submitted to the Assurance Body by 30 August 2024.

Industry Skills Australia (ISA) will engage with stakeholders throughout the life of the project and consider all ideas, opinions, and feedback to the revised training products to ensure they meet the needs of industry. A consultation log containing a high-level summary of all feedback and ISA’s response will be maintained and available on our website.

ISA will facilitate a webinar following endorsement of the materials to support stakeholders in understanding the changes and how they will affect them.



Vincent Panozzo

Project Specialist

M: 0409 464 080 | E:

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