Dec 11, 2023
Initial Workforce Plans
Our Industry Engagement Managers have quickly moved into planning mode to produce Initial Workforce Plans for each of our four industries: Maritime, Rail, Transport and Logistics (including Omni-channel Logistics and Distribution) and Aviation (including Space Transport and Logistics).
Working closely with the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations and Jobs and Skills Australia, we leveraged our deep understanding of ‘the state of play’ across each of the four industries to produce four Skills Priorities Papers. These papers outlined common megatrends impacting on industries and specific workforce challenges and opportunities. Following targeted consultation with ‘critical friends’ including State and Territory Training Authorities, these Skills Priorities Papers formed the backbone of our Initial Workforce Plans.
Informed by this consultation and a quantitative and qualitative evidence base, our 2023 Initial Workforce Plans provide an important baseline for our Strategic Workforce Planning Committees as they embark on developing the 2024 national Workforce Plans for their sectors.
We are inviting all stakeholders to provide input to inform the 2024 Workforce Plan through a survey. The survey will seek to understand the drivers and challenges impacting industry and the solutions to address the workforce challenges of industry. You can find out more about our Initial Workforce Plans and the development of the 2024 Workforce Plans by visiting the ISA website.