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Alex Claassens is the National Secretary of the Australian Rail, Tram, and Bus Industry Union, and has been in the rail industry for all of his working life. He began his career driving trains on the NSW rail network, became an elected union official, and was the RTBU NSW Branch Secretary prior to his election as National Secretary this year. 

He has a passion for the transport industry and is involved in the NSW Freight Transport Advisory Council, as well still driving passenger trains and heritage steam locomotives on a regular basis.

Alex is an experienced board member, serving in the Mutual Credit Union sector, on the Board of Australian Mutual Bank, and State Super. He has also held an extensive range of Board sub-committee roles during this time. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and the Super Members Council (SMC), and an Elected Director & Deputy Chair of Transport Heritage NSW and is also the Chair of its Safety Committee. 

Representative Director of the Board since June 2024.

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